Healing In The Bible

'God Sent His Word and healed them'.





1. In Pursuit of Health

2. God's Will

3. God's Word

4. Say It

5. Act On It

6. God's Way

7. The Response




Theologian's have taken control of the mindset of the modern Church, but Jesus Christ still remains the Head of His Church, and there are still those who hear His voice. Theologian's say that much of what Christ taught is irrelevant today. Let us turn away from their unbelief and turn back to the Bible and to the words of Christ. Jesus said, 'Preach the Gospel and lay hands on the sick'. 'Ours is not to reason why, but to do or die'.

Jesus said, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel, and lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover'. Thus praying for the sick is an integral part of the Gospel.

What went wrong, why has the Church failed to obey the Lord. We carried out the first part, but not the second part. Every Sunday, Church congregations around the world are subjected to the preaching of unbelief and half truth. 

Why is it that people only turn to God for healing as a last resort! The reason is we've allowed the world to constantly feed us a diet of unbelief. People lack the knowledge, they don't know the truth of God's Word. Christ taught that the truth would set us free, not just in a spiritual or political sense, but that God's Word would bring about freedom from sickness.

These are the Last Days, Christ's return is imminent, it's time to carry out in full the Great Commission, not in part but in truth, word, and deed. An Altar Call that does not include the laying on of hands, is un-Scriptural. Millions of Christians across the world are hungry for the truth, and for the preaching of the Word of God, with and filled with faith. 


People will pay huge sums of money on their health, when it's lost, they'll use every last penny to get it back. God's Word offers healing to the sick, why are we so slow to take up this wonderful offer!

If you attend a church that doesn't believe in or preach the Gospel of salvation, then don't be surprised if no one gets saved! If you go to a church that doesn't believe in or preach the Gospel of healing, then don't be surprised if no one gets healed.

The Apostle Paul spoke of those who would have a form of godliness but deny the Gospels power, well it's time, it's high time we rediscovered the power. And this is the point, it's so simple, you couldn't make it up!







The laying on of hands is an ordinance given to the Church by Jesus Christ. It's a Scriptural doctrine.

If you love your neighbour then you'll help him to recover his health. As Christians we've failed to do that.


Jesus said, 'Greater works shall you do'. So where are these greater works, and why is everyone stood around waiting for something to happen? Something has gone wrong! God is waiting to make something happen, but first we must preach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. When we do that, something will happen.

The doubters and pessimists say, 'Jesus said that to the Apostles'. But Ananias wasn't an Apostle, in fact he laid hands on the Apostle Paul so that his sight would return. Ananias was an ordinary disciple. 




'Expect nothing, get nothing'.


Sometimes we have to unlearn things that we've been taught in church. It's easier to get a non-Christian, or a new Christian healed before someone who's been to church all of their life.

God hasn't changed, He was the same in the Old Testament as He is today. Proverbs 4:20-23, 'My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Don't let them depart from before your eyes; keep them in your heart; For they are life to those who find them, and health to all your flesh'. The Word of God is God's Medicine. You don't take your medicine once, and expect to be healed, but you take it every day! The Word of God must be taken every day too. As it sinks into your heart, your faith wells up, and God's Spirit will bring healing and health.


• There are a lot of mountains to move and prayer alone won't move them. It's good to pray, but it's only through faith God can work miracles, and faith comes through knowing the relevant teachings in the Bible. 

• You can't expect to be healed if you've been endlessly and wrongly indoctrinated over many years. Our minds have been educated at the expense of the spirit.

• Just reading a book on faith isn't going to be enough, your faith has to grow through diligent study of the Bible. 


If you read one or two books on tennis, and then if you went to Wimbledon and tried to play against experienced players, you'd be making a fool of yourself. Neither can you read a couple of books on healing and expect to be able to take on the Devil, a highly experienced, professional liar. He has built and maintains his hold over the world through lies and unbelief. To be able to take him on and win, you must have an in-depth knowledge of the Word of God.




'I will satisfy him with long life'.


The Devil is at war with the Church, warfare is based on systems, a good system will overcome a larger enemy. In order to fulfill God's will for your life, you must do your part. You must develop systems to overcome the enemy, and bring your life into the perfect will of God. Perfect health, and a long healthy life will glory God and inspire others to new levels of Christian service.

God has made you personally responsible for your own health, if you allow the Devil to rob you of what is yours by divine right, then you must take full responsibility for that, and give an account before God. Christ died so that you might have life in its fullness, to the glory of God. How faithfully did you follow His will?

Don't die because you're sick, get healed first, then when you're satisfied with your life and it's time for you to go home to be with Jesus, then go to Heaven, and then in this way you will glorify God. Some Christians have to be talked out of dieing into living. Don't let unbelief rob you of God's best, a long healthy life is the will of God for all of His children. The question is, 'How long are you going to put up with the Devil robbing you and your family of the health God promised to bless you with'?




'If we suffer with Christ then we shall reign with Him'. His suffering didn't include being sick, for Jesus was completely healthy. We suffer persecution and hardship in the Gospel, and because we do, we shall receive our reward.



When you see Jesus on the Cross, see yourself there, for He was your substitute, the One Who died in your place. He died to redeem the whole man from the Devil's kingdom. That includes the redemption of your body and it's health.


If the Blood of Christ was shed for the forgiveness of sin, then:


° Why was His body broken and bruised for us?

° Why was He brutally whipped and beaten.

° Why does Matthew 8:17 say, 'He bore our sicknesses and infirmities in His body'? The Gospel of Matthew was written after the death and Resurrection of Christ, if those words only applied to the people of His day he would have written, 'Who bore their sicknesses', but in fact what is written puts it in the present tense, 'our' sicknesses.


The word 'bore' is the same word the Bible uses for, 'bore our sins' as it does when it says, 'bore our sickness'. Our sins and sicknesses Christ bore away for us. If He bore them, then we don't need to, He bore it all for us.


• Why would God put our sicknesses on Jesus, if He wanted us to go on being sick? He wouldn't, Christ bore our sicknesses so that we wouldn't have to. 

° Why does Peter 2:24 say, 'By His wounds we are healed'?


The Cross bought about the redemption of the whole man, we've been redeemed, but we have to believe that, and apply it by faith, that allows God to work in our lives. If you doubt it, then you open the door to the Devil's kingdom.


° Christ's Blood was shed for the forgiveness of sin, His wounded body was for our physical salvation. His body broken and scourged for the healing of the body.

° His head crowned with thorns for the healing of the mind.

° Those at the Communion Service who fail to discern the Lord's Body become sick. They fail to judge their own sin, and eventually are given over to the Devil's kingdom. They fail to see that He bore our sicknesses and to believe for healing. God wrought a complete work of redemption, completely wiping out the work of the Devil. Now that we are restored, we are now able to glorify God with a complete whole, healthy being, body, soul and spirit.



The Apostle Paul preached that God wanted to heal the body and the soul, a crippled man who was listening believed and was healed. Acts: 19:11-12 says, 'The same heard Paul speak: who steadfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, ''Stand upright on your feet and the man leaped up and walked'''.


As it is with eternal salvation if we turn from our sin and turn to Him as Saviour then we'll be saved. And so it is with the healing of the body, if we'll put away sin and turn to Christ then He'll heal our body. Healing is promised to us under the New Covenant but it's conditional on us turning away from sin. How can you take your body back from out of the Devil's kingdom if there's sin in your heart? He'd make mincemeat out of you, no 'seek first His righteousness, then all these things will be added into you'.



Healing glorifies God, sickness glorifies the Devil. During the Ministry of Christ it tells how when He had healed those who came to Him believing, and they were healed, everybody wondered, and glorified God. The notion that sickness glorifies God is a false doctrine, just another lie from Hell to keep you under his spell. Don't you let him! The next time you hear a preacher stand in a pulpit and tell the congregation that sickness is God's will, then stand up and say, 'Get thee behind me satan'. 








Mark 11:23-24, 'For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says'. 'Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them'.


It's God's will that you be healed, just as it's His will that you be saved. So make your faith so irresistible, that God will fall over Himself getting to you. God has done His part by sending His Son to save us from sin and sickness, now we must all do our part, and so you too must do yours. You do this by building your faith, you must now begin to study His Word. God said it, and now the truth of the Good Book, must settle in your heart. You must build a certain unshakable confidence in its core message of salvation from the oppression of the Devil, and then begin to live it, like you believe it.


'Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven'. Is there sickness in Heaven, no because it's not God's will, so may His will be done on earth and in your life.

Whenever anyone sought Jesus to be healed, He never once told the sick person that it wasn't His will, on the contrary He constantly admonished them for their lack of faith. The Bible often points out that He couldn't do any miracles in a town because of the unbelief there.

We are constantly admonished in the Bible to become more like Jesus every day. Was Christ sick? Of course not, then neither should you be sick! You should strive to be as healthy as Jesus was when He walked the earth.


'Jesus is the same yesterday today and forever'. If He healed back then, He heals now, if He doesn't then He's not the same.




'He had compassion on them and healed them all'. The Devil doesn't mind you knowing God can, but he doesn't want you to know that it's God's will.

God yearns to heal you, He wants to heal you more than you want to be healed. He cares for us. You treat all your children fairly, so that all receive the same. Our Heavenly Father is the same, if He heals one, then He heals all.   




'Ask anything in My Name and the Father will give it to you'. 


'If you be willing and obedient, I'll give you the fat of the land'


If you want it, you can have it, but you can't just have it, you have to work for it. You have to take to the Word, like a duck to water, and start building your faith. You can have anything alright, but it'll cost you, everything.

One good reason why God says you can ask for anything, is to give you the incentive to give your life over to Him. The more committed you are the more effective you are, the more He can help a lost world through you. You can have a long fulfilling life, but only if you commit 24 hours a day 7 days a week.


The Bible says, 'With God all things are possible', we find that very easy to believe. But the Bible also says, 'All things are possible to him who believes', imagine, if you have the faith you can have anything! 


Some preach that it's God's will that we get ill. If it's true that sickness makes you more pious, then why do these people attend the Doctor's surgery, take medicine, and go to the hospital for treatment? On the contrary, if it were true then they'd pray for God to make them sicker and so further deepen their piety. Or what father would want his children to be ill with a terrible health problem? No parent would, and neither does our Heavenly Father want any of His children to be ill. Those in the church who teach that illness is God's will, are teaching heresy. There is no place in the Christian Church for such a hateful message, and those who are guilty of this should be ashamed. The fact is, the Bible teaches that sickness is an oppression of the Devil, and as such, it brings out the worst in people. Radiant health, and a long healthy life glorifies God. Since according to the Westminster Confessions we are here on earth for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God, it seems to me that we should all strive to do that by staying in good health.


'If My Words abide in you, and you abide in My Word, you shall ask what you will and it will be done for you'. Some people say, 'Sometimes it's yes, and sometimes it's no, or sometimes it's wait'. These people show that they don't know the Word. They're not abiding in the Word, because if they were, they'd know that it is God's will to heal.


The Faithfulness of God  

God never let anyone down; if things aren't working out, don't blame God by saying it can't be His will. Stand your ground and don't give up. God always keeps His Word. Keep going, keep praying, keep building your faith, climb that mountain and reach the top, no matter what it takes.







I've got a book with all of the answers in it - it's called the Bible. When it comes to answering life's important questions, the Bible 'hits the nail right on the head'.


'God said it, I believe it, that settles it'.


Men are born weak, but God's Word makes them strong.

We don't pray for faith, it comes through the study of the Word of God.


John 15:7, 'If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you'. 


Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. There's something about faith that will cause God to pass over a thousand people just to get to you. 'Christ healed them with His Word'.

We take the Word and apply it by faith, we don't have to have the anointing to get healed, the Word of God is anointed. We can still receive healing through the Word whether or not we have the gift of healing, or the anointing. God is ever present and His healing power is right there with you, faith activates God's power.

You've been to church for years and heard the Gospel preached, and as a result you have no trouble believing the Gospel to be true. The opposite is true of the Gospel of Healing, you've been constantly taught that it's not for today. If you'd been actively taught each week that it still applies today, then you'd find it just as easy to believe for your healing as you do for your salvation.


'Hear and be healed', God's Word is spirit and life.


Faith is measurable, the Bible is faith food, you feed on the Word and your faith will grow. If you only have one meal a week you'd slowly become anemic and wither away! If you only study healing once a week your faith will grow weak. God's Word is medicine and you've got to take it everyday.


'My Word brings healing to the body'.


'My Word is medicine to the flesh'.


‘I sent My Word and healed them'.


In his later years, DL Moody told of his regret having not spent more time in the study of the Bible. Do you know these Scriptures off by heart, John 10:10, Romans 3:23 Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 11:6, 1 Peter 2:23? You should know them and many more such verses, the Bible is life giving, it's powerful in its effect on one's life. It'll move things along, bring it to life, strengthen your faith, bring your life up onto a new level, in some way it has an energising effect, difficult to pin down, but it definitely has an invigorating impact on your life. That's what Moody meant, he realised its effect as an essential ingredient in a successful Christian life. The Bible contains God's Words, His Words are anointed, the more you internalise His Words, the more of His anointing indwells your life.

The Bible, the Word of God, is the most important thing on the earth.

Get acquainted with Christ through the study of the Word.

The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit; the Devil will use lies and doubt to rob you of your health, so you must be ready with the Word to see him off.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing, ....... the Word of God.


Consider not any sickness but rather consider what the Word of God says. Proverbs 4:20-22, 'Consider My Word.... for they are health to your body'. Hebrews 12:2, 'Consider Christ.... the Author and Finisher of our faith'.


Psalms 107:20, 'He sent His Word and healed them'.





Where did sickness come from? In London there was a Cholera Epidemic, a Medical Researcher discovered that the source of the epidemic was in a water well in Soho. After the well was closed the epidemic stopped. The Bible teaches that the source of sickness is the Devil. Acts 10:38, 'God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him'. Therefore the Bible teaches that 'sickness is an oppression of the Devil'. 


Our body is God's House, the Devil has no rights over it, he has no right to enter it or cause it harm, he's like a burglar who'll trespass in it, if you'll let him. 


John 10:10, 'The Devil has come to rob kill and destroy, but Christ has come to give life'. You have been redeemed from the Devil, that means you've been bought back by the Blood of Christ. But it's of no effect if you don't mix this knowledge with faith. The Devil can still oppress your body until by faith you take your body back.

All these bad things are all from over in the Devil's kingdom, and have nothing to do with God's Kingdom.

In the Old Testament Israel is a type of the Christian Church, and Pharaoh and Eygpt is a type of the Devil and the Kingdom of Darkness. When Israel passed through the Red Sea and the sea closed back in on Pharaoh's Army, Israel was completely free from Eygpts authority. So it is that we have passed from darkness into light, and the works of darkness no longer should have dominion over us. The Devil can only oppress you with sickness as long as you let him. You let him when you don't know your position in Christ.

The Apostle Peter taught us to resist the Devil, so anything that isn't according to God's will is of the Devil, so tell it to 'Clear off'!

The Devil makes you sick, God makes you well. There's no sickness in Heaven, God only has good things, it's the Devil who has the bad things. If you get over onto his territory he'll make you sick. The closer you get to God, the more your health improves.



The Devil's Kingdom is characterized by sin, suffering, doubt, pain, sickness, and poverty. While God's Kingdom is the complete opposite. The Devil is hellbent on keeping his grip over his kingdom, he keeps his control through lies and doubt. Adam gave his God given authority over to the Devil, the  Devil took it with lies, and holds onto it with lies, but Christ took it back at the Cross, then gave that authority back to the Church. 'The truth will set you free'. The truth is, Christ already gave it back, but we don't believe it, thus proving that the Devil is filling your heart and mind with doubt. If you knew your God given authority, he wouldn't be able to hold you down. It's for you to take it back, the Bible tells you how to do just that.

Everything the Devil stole from Adam, Christ took back at the Cross and has now given it all back to you. But if you want it, you have to go and take it back! This means you'll have to fight the Devil for it and take it off of him. But he isn't going to let you do that. So what are you going to do about it? It's yours but he's got what belongs to you! You do it by working with Christ, and by basing everything you do on the Bible. This produces faith undermining the Devil's doubts, as your faith grows the Devil's hold weakens.

In the Book of Genesis God gave mankind dominion over everything that lives and moves on the earth. If you look at disease under a microscope, you will notice that it is constantly moving. God has given you dominion over 'everything' that moves! This means that you have dominion over that disease.

Use the authority and dominion that Christ purchased for you on the Cross. 

Joshua's example is a figure of spiritual truth, he took the land back off of God's enemies. This is what you are required to do today. Christ has given the keys of the Kingdom back to the Church, that means you. The Pope doesn't have the keys, you do, so take authority over the Devil and tell him to take his kingdom away from your body. Your body is the property of Almighty and Everlasting God, please don't let the Devil forget it. 

Don't ask God to do it, rather you speak to it and tell it to leave.

A Minister of the Gospel recognised that a man who'd come for ministry had a demon, but when he began to expel the demon, it spoke to him and said, 'You can't cast me out, this man doesn't want me to go. I know my rights, and there's nothing you can do'. The man was deeply involved in various false religions and intrigued by them and wasn't going to give them up. The demon was right, but turn that principal on its head, you have your rights, and the Devil no longer has authority over your life, and he's got to go, and there's nothing he can do about it, because he knows you have the right, and the authority of God's Word on your side. Don't ask God to do it for you, you're not a baby, you do it, tell the Devil where to go. 'This is my house, I know my rights, you have to go'.



Your authority comes from an in-depth knowledge of the Word of God on the subject of healing. Jesus said, 'I give you authority over all the power of the Devil'. Acts 10:28, 'Jesus went about healing all who were oppressed of the Devil'. Since sickness is an oppression of the Devil, we know that we have full authority over it. 

A loving father sees that it's his little daughter's bedtime, but she looks up at him and asks if she can stay up a little bit longer. His heart melts towards her and gives into her. Soon the mother comes into the room, seeing that it's past the little girl's bedtime, she tells her daughter to go to bed. Her daughter says, but mum, but her mother's response is different, and with a stern rebuke, the little girl rushes off to bed. Both parents have the authority over her but only the mother exerted it over the little girl.

When it comes to the Devil you have to let him know who's the boss, if you give him an inch he'll take a mile. Point your finger right at the end of his nose, and tell him in no uncertain terms what he's got to do. Use your authority over the sickness, let it know that you're in control, and that you're the boss.



Unbelief resides in the heart, you believe in your heart, you speak what's in your heart, sickness is an oppression of the Devil, by having faith in your heart, you drive him out, and you bring the healing presence of God into your life. The problem is spiritual and the solution is spiritual.


Jesus said, 'Blessed is he who hears the Word, to him more will be given'. That's a significant statement, in other words whoever listens to the Word of God and absorbs it into his heart, that Word will slowly cause faith to grow. As faith increases so God is able to bless. So that whatever you're seeking you'll find.




'If the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies'.


If that's true, then that has deep significance for our physical well-being, in that the indwelling Holy Spirit will give life to your body 


Romans 8:2, 'For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and death'. The law of life is now working in your body.


'Not by might nor by the power of men but by My Spirit'.


'We have passed from judgement into life'.


'We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit'. His indwelling presence brings life.


'Greater is he that is in me'.        




Is sickness a blessing? No it's a curse, and the Bible teaches that Christ redeemed us from the curse.

How can a blessing be a curse or how can a curse be a blessing? If sickness is a curse, then how can sickness be a blessing from God? It can't, because our Heavenly Father only wants to bless us with good things. Therefore, it's impossible that He would allow sickness.


Galatians 3:13-14, 'Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”for He redeemed us in order that the blessing promised to Abraham would come to the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit'.


The Curse of the Law as outlined in Deuteronomy chapter 28 says that the curse is poverty, sickness, and death. Galatians 3:29 says that we who are in Christ have received the Blessing of Abraham, that blessing is prosperity, health, and life in its fullness.



If you allow sin to get a foothold in your life, it'll slowly sap your faith, until eventually you won't even believe it's God's will to heal people today. You'll start saying, 'Healing is for the time of the early church, God doesn't heal today'!



Tithing affects you spiritually, but when you're sick, the situation is often difficult, because money is tight, if so ask God for 'seed money'. When up against a big obstacle in life it's important to make sure every area of your life is covered.

Abraham is the father of our faith, and it was to him God gave the instruction to tithe. The idea of tithing didn't come from Moses, but pre-dates him, it came through Abraham. God required him to give of his first fruits, because it belongs to the Lord. It's very important to give of your tithe, so that you fulfill the Covenant, so that God can give you the Blessing of Abraham.

God doesn't need your money, He's got so much money it would make your head spin. It's not about the money, it's about the Covenant God made with Abraham, and through him, you. God provides the Sacrifice, and you play your part with the Tithe. When you do, you've fulfilled the Covenant, now God can bless you.


Genesis 14:20, ‘The Abraham gave Melchizedek a tenth of everything’.



A big stumbling block is unforgiveness. It's one of the biggest hindrances to healing. Jesus taught His disciples that if they have anything against anyone to put it right, to forgive them. Just make a commitment in your heart to forgive, then move on. When there's an air of unforgiveness, your faith won't work.




'Seek first His righteousness and all these other things will be added'. Sin brings doubt into your heart and mind, that's because it gives the Devil occasion to cloud your mind. So righteousness drives out the Devil and his doubt, with this increase in faith, God is drawn into your life which in turn brings His life giving flow quickening your health.


'I'm not moved by what I see or feel, I'm only moved by the Word of God'.



If you'll love, then sickness will leave. Why is this so? The Bible says, 'He who walks in love fulfils the Law'. God promised the Children of Israel that if they kept the Law, then He would keep sickness from them. Since Christ taught that love fulfils the Law, then God will honour His Word, and sickness will leave. Say, 'Sickness I keep the Law of Love, therefore I command you to leave my body'.



You often hear of people who go from healing evangelist to healing evangelist and not get healed. Then they tell you that it can't be God's will! These people have put their faith in the evangelist and not in the Word. It's faith in the Word of God that brings the healing. Sometimes people are healed through an evangelist with the gift of healing, but often the healing is only partial or at other times the healing is lost! This happens because the individual isn't versed in the teachings of the Scriptures on the subject of healing. This is a very important point, if you are to be successful then you must take studying the Bible seriously. Approach the subject of healing, systematically, regularly, and endlessly.







Speak what you seek. What you say is what you believe, what you say is your faith speaking. So what are you saying? Your faith will never rise above the words of your mouth.


'Confession is made unto salvation'. Salvation from sin and sickness, therefore, in this context, means confession is made unto healing.


'Call those things that be not, as though they were'.


'Whosoever believes in his heart, that he has been healed, and confesses with his mouth his healing, shall be healed'.


We know how to pray for something, we know how to believe for something, but when it comes to saying for something, we fall short lacking understanding of what's required of us.


Jesus said, 'Whatever you say you shall have'.


If you want it, then you must say it. We become a Christian when we believe in our heart that God raised Christ from the dead, and confess with our mouth that He is Lord. The same is true for the salvation of the body from sickness, we must speak our faith.


'For truly I say to you, that whoever shall say to this mountain, be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he said'.


Your acknowledgement of your disease, is like signing for a package delivery, that you never ordered. Once signed for, you become responsible for it. 'I don't want it, take it back to where it came from'.


'Whatever you say, not doubting in your heart'. 


You said, 'I tried it, but this faith thing, it doesn't work'. Well, you get what you say. Jesus taught that it does work, Jesus is God, and 'God cannot lie, for He is not a man'. 'Every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, is Truth'. Either He's not God, or you haven't spent enough time studying the Bible, or in prayer, or in thanksgiving and praise, or in purifying your heart, putting away sin, resisting unbelief or refocusing on Christ, because this is the point, it does work.

You must school yourself into faith,if you keep hearing and speaking something, it will eventually sink deep into your heart. 

The more you hear it, the more you'll believe it, when you believe it with your heart, God can heal you, but only as you speak it into your life.

It's not enough to hear the Word, it's not enough to read the Word, you've got to get the Word into your mouth.

Praise God, I'm healed because the Bible says so!

Stop playing the side of the record that says you can't, turn the record over and start playing the other side, the side that says you can.

The failure to confess ones healing, is the number one reason why people fail to get healed. 'He who believes in his heart and confesses with his mouth'.







Faith is a fact you act. Now that you have faith through the Word, to believe for healing, you now have to learn how to set your faith loose.

It's God's Word acted upon that brings results. Praying isn't enough, it needs faith acted out.

Act as though God's Word is true.

Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, but what is the evidence we base our faith on? It's the Word of God, that's all the evidence we need. We don't need feelings, all we need is that, the Word says it, and that settles it.


'Faith without works is dead'. What are these works spoken of here? It's important to know as many get themselves into a fix at this point.


Doing nothing is not doing something, stopping doing something will take you in the wrong direction, backwards. If you stop taking your medicine, or stop following the Doctor's advice, it's not acting in a positive way. 


Numbers 15:25, 'So Moses cried out to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a tree. When he cast it into the waters, the waters were made sweet'. God could have miraculously fixed the bitter water, but He didn't, He chose to use the medicinal properties in the tree to effect the cure. God will sometimes heal people miraculously, and sometimes he will use a physical agent, He decides. This is a very important lesson, people who insist on God always healing them in a miraculous way will find themselves in trouble. God may well choose to work through Doctors and Medicine in some way, it's His decision which pathway He takes in bringing you His healing touch. There are multiple examples that testify to this fact - listen to your heart. God has His way of doing things, no denomination, church or pastor has all of the truth, no matter how successful they might be. Jesus said that if we seek we 'will' find, in other words the answer is there somewhere. As you wait upon the Lord and dwell in the Word He will show you the way through. God always has a way, it's up to you to find it.

If you can't walk, keep trying to do what you couldn't, but don't be reckless, use your common sense, but keep on expecting and pushing. It's an important thing to remember that you're healed through faith, just as you were saved through faith. 

Good works are commendable, but just because you've served God more faithfully than others, that won't give you a basis for your healing. You must develop your own faith through the study of the Word. It's a level playing field, you're saved through faith, and you're healed through faith.


Matthew 7:24, 'Therefore whosoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, is like a wise man, which built his house upon a rock'.


Of course the Devil will launch a counter-atack, the time of testing will come, but remember this is a God-given opportunity to make a fool out of the Devil, and bring glory to God. The outcome depends on the preparation you've put into studying the Bible and on successfully acting upon it.




6. GOD'S WAY    



It's very important that you're healed God's way. Over the years when it comes to Christian Doctrine, you find that the pendulum swings from this side, then to the other, as men of God strive to find God's perfect will. God is highly creative, there are a hundred different ways He could choose to heal you. We're told to have the mind of Christ, but instead we've got the mind of our denomination. We're expecting God to follow denominational doctrine, and when He doesn't we're confused.

Only His way counts, it's so important that you find that way and follow it. Look closely into your heart, make sure there's no sin, look for His leading, it could be to follow your Doctor's advice, or to follow a different medicine or treatment. It could be through someone with a special gift of healing for your particular problem, or perhaps He wants you to build the Word of God into your life and allow the Word to heal you. Which ever way He leads, God is Love, it's His will that you be healed. In fact it's your legal right, but it's conditional on following His way. Keep looking into your heart, it's in your born again spirit, where God puts His treasure.

Some denominations can be very dogmatic, but remember there isn't just one pathway to the top of the mountain, there are many.

God always has a way through, but it's His way, it can't be your way but His, you have to find that way. You're not required to jump into the deep end, or jump off the high board from the very beginning. As your faith grows God will work with you and expect more of you at the appropriate point in your Christian journey.

You might not be able to move the mountain in one go, but God will work with you, helping you to move it bit by bit, or by finding a pathway over it or through. Or perhaps another more creative way so far unthought of.

If you can't believe for the whole 'nine yards', then believe for one yard, go as far as your faith will allow. Then as you build your faith, take bigger steps, until you reach your goal. If your faith is small, then believe for a small improvement, then a little bit more, then a little bit more, and so on. As your faith grows through exercising it and feeding it with the Word, then you grow in confidence.

You don't tell God who you're going to marry, or where you're going to live! He tells you; and so it is with God's divine health, you don't tell Him how He's going to heal you, He tells you.

Often what might appear to be a setback and very disappointing, is just God closing one door in order to open a new door. God is at work, but without lots of faith on your part He can find it difficult to help you. Don't be your own worst enemy. The best way to avoid that is by absorbing yourself in the Word of God.

God never fails, it's never God's fault, God's Word is true, and if we've failed in some way, it's not God it's us. We've allowed the world to fill us with unbelief, we're constantly watching what the world is saying, and allowed it to sap our faith. Then we blame God, put the blame where it belongs, on our own failure allowing the unbelief of the world to get inside of the church, and failing to give ourselves to the Word and to prayer. It's time to turn back to God.



Look to Jesus, might seem obvious in a way but important. When Peter was looking and talking to Jesus, he was able to walk on the water, but when he was tempted to look at the storm, he began to sink. We naturally become absorbed by the way ill health is effecting us, but this brings doubt and unbelief. We must be firm, and refocus on Christ. When you look at Christ by faith it pushes out the doubt. Just by looking at Him you're reminded of His compassion. This boosts your faith, and draws the power of God into your life.

When a pandemic sweeps the land people become fixated on what's going on around them, this feeds unbelief and despair. Instead become more determined to focus on Christ, and rise above the circumstances. Looking down won't help; when a plague was sweeping through the camp of the Israelites, only those who looked up at the serpent that Moses held up were saved, those who looked around were lost.

Be constantly expectant, anticipating His presence, looking for Him in your life. Expect a miracle. Stay focused.

Your worthiness comes from Jesus Christ, no matter how successful your record of good works, you of yourself are not worthy to be healed. Instead focus on His finished work on the Cross. God will bless the person with a contrite heart. Don't focus on yourself, but focus on Him.



Stop praying and start praising.

When all else fails try praise.

There are multiple examples throughout the Bible of people in difficulty who began to give thanks and praise and God performed a miracle in their circumstances. 


'His praise shall be continually be in my mouth'.


'Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you'. You draw nigh to God by ministering to Him, through praise, singing, thanksgiving, and worship. If you minister to Him He will minister to you.

Once upon a time there was a Missionary in China who contracted small pox. Whilst lying on her sick bed she had a vision. She saw some scales, and on the one side, weighed down, a bag full of prayers and trials, on the other side there was an empty bag with a few praises inside of it. She thought about it, she came to realise that God was speaking to her, and so she started praising God. She continued for over 24 hours, eventually the small pox left her and she was completely healed. A few days later she was given another vision, this time the sack of praise was full and weighed down on its side instead.

You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, use praise and worship to drive the Devil out of every corner of your temple. Sometimes when people have been prayed for the sickness tries to come back. Don't let it, fill your temple with praise and worship and drive the Devil back out.

Disease can be explained and understood in scientific terms; but the Bible teaches that there's a mystery to evil that we aren't allowed to see. In a way that we do not understand, disease has a spiritual side to it. It's this aspect that the Christian is to fight against, it's the duty of the Church not only to fight against sin, but we must fight disease too, as it is an oppression of the Devil.

We are the body of Christ - is Christ sick, no. We strive to be like Him, completely healthy.


Romans 13:14, 'Put on the Lord Jesus Christ', in other words, be like Him, be healthy. 


Serve the Lord with gladness.

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

'Thank you Lord that I'm healed'.

'Praise the Lord I'm going back to work tomorrow'.

'Glory to God I've been healed'.


'Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus'. 


'In all things give thanks' 


1 Thessalonians 5:18    


'Praise the Lord, I'm better than I feel'.


Remember Jericho, they took the city by first having a Praise Meeting. You'll take your health back the same way. 



Have you noticed that when someone becomes a Christian their health slowly improves, and have you noticed that when someone backslides they slowly lose their health. We can see from experience that the closer to God you get, your health improves. The further you get away from God and the closer you get to the Devil, your health deteriorates. I think you get my point.

In the New Testament you will notice that the people who tried to get closer to Jesus were healed, those who stood afar off didn't. 

Today people go to this preacher, or to a church, or read a book trying to find their healing. When they go to church they're looking for something, they're going to feel the presence of God to feel His love for them. However, they're not going to let the Lord know just how much they love Him. They're not going to find Jesus, they're looking to the church and those in the church for something for themselves, they're not    trying to get nearer to Christ. Jesus is the One Who died on the Cross and suffered, He's the One Who should be getting the blessing. We're going to get blessed, when we should be going to bless Him, and to let Him know just how much we appreciate Him. Go seeking the Healer, not the healing. Go looking to bless, not to get a blessing. Go seeking Christ, just like they did in the New Testament.

The closer you get to Christ, the nearer you'll get to good health. You have to find Him, do you see what I'm saying, it's important.

'Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, there am I in the midst'. He's there in the midst, find Him!  Like a blind man stretch out your hands and search for Him, and when you find Him hold on to Him until He blesses you.




Genesis 30:25-43, '....Jacob, however, took fresh-cut branches from poplar, almond and plane trees and made white stripes on them by peeling the bark and exposing the white inner wood of the branches. Then he placed the peeled branches in all the watering troughs, so that the sheep would be directly in front of the branches when they came to drink....'


Where did Jacob get this idea? It must have been given to him, somehow by God. The imagination is a very powerful thing, and it can be used for good or ill, apparently even for sheep. Yoongi Cho used this principle to build the world's largest church. Apply this principle in your own life, and it will help you too.



It's wrong to take something that belongs to someone else! Sickness is the Devil's Lost Property. Only good things come from God, there's no sickness in Heaven. Sickness is an oppression of the Devil; it belongs to him, so refuse to sign for it, write on it, 'Return to Sender'. Speak to it, tell it to go.

The devil will keep on coming back, so make sure you keep all of the doors and windows locked. We had a big light fixed up on the back wall of our house, so that if there was any movement during the night, the whole area would light up. When the devil shows up expose him! Tell him, 'This is my property, you've got to go'. Don't leave him alone, let him have it with both barrels. Start praising and worshipping God. Hallelujah!

Keep your faith in healing growing stronger, keep returning to the teachings of the Bible on healing. If you don't your faith will grow dim. It's a lifelong commitment to the Scriptures, and the teachings of the Bible, on the subject of healing. Make it your aim to become highly proficient in the subject and so making yourself a blessing to others. 







Your healing is between you and God.


Someone once said, 'I knew in my spirit that I was healed before the healing showed up in my body'.


The woman touched the hem of His garment, her faith activated the power. 'Daughter your faith has made you well'.

If this were two thousand years ago and you went to Jesus would He heal you? 'He healed all'. Well He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, so that answers that.


You've got to believe that you've got it before you get it.


Down in Egypt on the first Passover Night, the Children of Israel put the blood of the Passover Lamb on the door posts of the house so that the Angel of Death would not come nigh their house. If the blood of a lamb from the Old Covenant could do that, then how much more can the Blood of the New Covenant do for you? By faith plead the Blood of Christ over your body. 


Psalm 103:3 'Who forgives all your sins and heals all of your diseases'. If He forgives your sin then He heals your diseases.


1 Peter 2:23, 'by His wounds you have been healed'.


If He bore your sins then He bore your diseases, so there's no need for you to carry them.


Matthew 8:17, 'He took our infirmities and bore our diseases'. If He bore your diseases what are you doing with them?


If this fact was not true, the Holy Spirit would not have put it into the Bible. What this verse means is that it's illegal for sickness to occupy your body, so you have to be like the Police Department and enforce your rights.

We discern the Blood for the forgiveness of sin, but fail to discern His broken body for our physical healing. 'By Whose stripes you are healed'. 'Forget not the Lord, Who forgives all of your sins, and heals all of your diseases'. 


So what are you waiting for?

When you pray, don't say, 'If You heal me', instead pray, 'When You heal me, I'll serve You all the days of my life'.



Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your Son to suffer and die for my sicknesses and my diseases, as I receive your forgiveness for my sin and salvation for my soul, so I receive your healing for my body. In Jesus name. Amen.